My video work started as an extension of my photography when I began experimenting with putting different things in front of the lens like pieces of glass or translucent plastic, filters, homemade NIR filters, etc. Sometimes the moving image was more interesting than a still image.
I have made a few hand-cut paper animations, usually based on my collages, i.e. before I glued the elements, I animated them. There are other animation projects on my to-do pile.
Since taking over The Pinball Supercut in 2017, I developed an interest in the possibilities of editing/montage, and started the Very Eyes, Very Eyes "collage movie" project.
Whilst working as a technician at OBORO, I also did the montage of a couple of short exhibition promo videos: Christof Migone - Press Record (2021) (wherein I had fun with some stop-motion techniques) and Senimikwaldamw8gan – Mémoire de pierre, Mélanie O'Bomsawin (2022).
Some of my video art can be seen on the following websites:
Vimeo — Abstract, ‘Experimental’ Trippy, Stop-motion Animation, and Demo Videos...
YouTube — Electronic Sound-box Demos, Jams and Miscellaneous Unserious Videos...
Very Eyes, Very Eyes (2019-) — Film collage/montage piece in 3 parts (so far). Uses clips from mostly bad, weird, obscure movies from the 60s to the 90s.
The Pinball Supercut (2016-) — (with Mark Loeser). A supercut featuring pinball machines. Over 16 hours long, made using over 700 clips from movies, television, advertisements, etc. from as far back as 1933. It is projected in a loop at the North Star Machines à Piastres bar in Montreal (during opening hours).
Last updated: 2024.08.22.